Saturday, October 16, 2010

White Wife Wants Black Baby

A night at home dogs

( Photo taken on the Net )

Having made a mess of things lately, I was punished.
As punishment, I had no right to bed to sleep that night.
My Master So I put my basket beside the bed beside him and tied a string to the foot of the bed.
He picked me up, put me in my basket, tied the chain to my collar and gave me a piece of quilt that was falling out of bed.
I had trouble falling asleep, not because of my condition of sleep, but because there was noise.
I was really in that condition. A real dog, who sleeps in his basket adored. And being attached to a chain, gave one side the situation more exciting. I was really good. Good for a full night in my basket, it would have been better if I could take in the legs stretched, but sleeping in a ball, that's fine. Well this would be a lie to say that I did not spread like a big slacker and lazy bitch.
Finally, one night in the land of really nice dogs and renew.
Thank you my Master, have made sure that despite everything that night was beautiful.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Are Pearls Good To Sell

Respect and tolerance

Definition: Respect is an attitude of acceptance, consent and consideration, often codified, to a person, thing or idea.

Definition: Tolerance is the ability to accept what we disagree, that is what one would normally reject.

I yes a little bitch, that does not like? We do not understand why? And then? This gives the right does not respect me? That is why we should not try to be tolerant?

What account? The negative opinions of everyone or the fact that I took pleasure in this life, I am fulfilled and most importantly, I chose this life?

Accepting differences is the first step towards respect and tolerance, note that!

And know one thing: I will have no compassion and I will not bring any interest to those who will not use these words in order to me. It will therefore not surprising.
