My Master and I have spent a great weekend with friends.
A small part of the afternoon of November 6, 2010 was only for me.
I made a special request to my Master, who held me greatly to heart.
And this Saturday, was conducive to run my application.
I knew it was not a surprise.
All morning, I stressed, anxious, I'm making a mountain of pain threshold ...
Then when we decided it was time we began to put everything in place.
My Master and Mr. A. put in place the piece for me to lie down comfortably with them, have enough space to handle with ease hardware and gestures as well as having enough light, the subject of Mr. A. who was responsible for background music, and decoration of the room. She had two huge and beautiful bouquets of flowers she arranged around me, and she and Mr. R. also present, put candles everywhere. Me, besides that, I passed the broom to make it as clean as possible. When installation was finished, M., the subject of Mr. A., lent me a beautiful and genuine leather corset. When I passed it around my waist, and closed, it was too big. M, then helped me to tighten the corset on my back. Holding me to a wall, she pressed hard, strong, but it made me a real hourglass, it was very nice. But besides that this is pretty, there was a certain constraint to me really nice. I had not a complete freedom of movement and my chest is very compressed, I could not breathe easily, but I enjoyed it.
Once ready, I lay down as I could on the couch, then my Master and Mr. A. we could raise our other friends here. Mr. R., Mrs. D. and subjected H.
I do not see them, they were back on me, so they attend this very moment, without seeing my privacy.
Once everyone installed, my Master and Mr. A. began handling hygiene. Wash your hands several times, put the rings in alcohol, wear gloves. During this phase there, Mr. A. I put a pillow under my head and put a hand on his shoulder, wondering if I was okay. I replied that yes, despite the stress I think, apparent.
Then began the time of marking points of future holes. Master tried my makeup with a pencil, but with my lips a little wet, it does not score. Mr. went to fetch an eyeliner that came to my Master. This time, it scored very well.
Once the final points scored, Mr. A. prepared the needle to the first hole.
Meanwhile, he was full of pictures that we have memories of that time.
Moi, I tried to breathe as I could, despite that, every breath, I felt my chest swell not entirely because of the tight corset. I concentrated on the ceiling, looking at nothing else and trying to concentrate.
Where I felt a sharp pain pierce my lip, my little right. I winced, but I had a big sigh of relief. Already because the first hole was made, but also because I realized that pain was not as bad as I imagined the props. And also, a feeling of pride to me that I could overcome this for me, but especially for my beloved Master.
The portion of the ring was more painful than the passage of the needle into my flesh.
Just pass me the ring, I felt my Master trembling, he had to a moment to recover from this, before I pass. For him it was also an important moment, in addition to the gesture of being ringed, because for him, the needles are a limit.
Having come give me a hug of comfort and time to regain his senses, he handed me the ring and then prepared the second hole.
I watched this time. He was focused, beautiful in what he did. I proud of him. It gave me strength to bear the sacred second hole.
When my Master was ready, he began to count, before drilling and I allowed myself to stop in the middle of his statement asking him not to count, but pierce, because the reliance was stressing me more. He, along with our friends laughed at my request, my Master's shot pierced almost immediately after and without counting.
The pain was more intense than the first hole. Maybe because this time I knew what to expect, or perhaps because having told me the first time that finally it was not so terrible, I dropped my guard a bit. Anyway, despite everything, this is really unbearable.
And then, once the second hole is on my left labia, I could not remember feeling the tears well up in me and I started crying. Not because I was evil, but because I was proud of me, my Master, that the stress of the past few days came back down, I was relieved to find lots of things I failed to explain more.
My Master has come hug me tight in her arms, and then I let more tears, which continued to flow stream. When I heard a phrase from Mr. R. behind me saying: "They are beautiful your tears, Winnie." Suddenly, I was crying and holding no more no longer control anything.
Once the second ring put in his place, our friends came down to let us, my Master and myself take over our minds.
Me, I put a pretty dress black lace, and went down with my Master join our friends.
Mr. R. then asked me how I felt. I told him I was proud. He asked me to say it again before adding my reply, that after the third time to say it would be good. When I say a second time I was proud, I understood immediately what he meant. After asking me to say it a third time, I started crying, being really moved by this moment and this gesture, strong symbol.
That is the powerful story of the laying of my rings.
Today, I feel proud, I feel strong, I feel a little more subject, not to say much more, I feel full of good resolutions for my Master continues to be proud of me, he still believes in me, that I continue to be worthy of him as it should.
Thanks to Mr. A. have supported us both in this gesture. Thank you to M. for making these photos which we hold dear and for making a setting as comfortable and peaceful. Thank you to Mr. R., Mrs. D. and subjected H. to have been present and witnessed this moment in our lives.
importantly, thank you to my Master of allowing me to live it, and I'm proud of you as you can not even imagine. I love you forever.