Thursday, December 10, 2009

Need For Speed Mons Wanted Logg

STILL THE STORIES sinking of November 25 LAKE TO LAKE

families affected by the disappearance of their Lake relatives and friends and their knowledge continue to live on, day after day, the pain of these unfortunate events. their poignant stories are endlessly make headlines. Indeed, nothing not yet fully digested.
In Africa, there is the step of wrenching tears and mourning immediately followed by a funeral; the next stage of talks on life and the afterlife for the (s) deceased (s) who left progeny behind. The living remained alive to organize everything back in order: debts, shares of inheritance, the plight of widows and orphans, written or oral testimony. If it is a civil servant, his salary situation ... and in the case of a man who died far from his hometown, his family organized ramenenr for his remains to his village All these requirements accopmies in order to leave family members in thraumatisme psychological moment for mourning and trimmed. Dances and other funeral rites take place after 40 days or more to facilitate the journey of the deceased and do lead jusqu'auprès Ancestors. The individual and the party is no longer considered strictly speaking as death. His memory never leave the living. Nay, he is gone but lives with his family, however, continue its close he was unable to complete before his death. He now lives in her offspring. For many scholars of African culture, the most to fear for an African, it is not death, but rather the fact of dying without leaving descandance ...
The sinking of the lake, even if they have not benefited from the funeral in good and due form, each family was organized, leaving nothing to chance to mourn their loved ones. Since the announcement of the catasthrophe, many rushed to the beach looking for any news on the causes of the accident, the number of survivors, the number of dead, raw statistics, while a time of psychosis, nervousness and past trauma in the most total uncertainty. Have organized relief and a string ininterropmue care of some social and general seating not to pay too much in absurdity and despair. He had to weep with those who weep! Live this time as a challenge garnd love, charity, compassion, humanity and respect for life. Once the survivors out of danger and assumed not to succumb to despair and sadness, the Red Cross of Inongo distinguished itself by its eagerness not to let too much time. So, go to the essentials, out of dithering politicians or search the bodies of the shipwreck to conduct their burial. Without means, the peronnel Red Cross had still use modern means available: telephones, relay releases and news from real radio devices Inongo (Digital Radio and Radio Liberty). Kudos to our brave men of the Red Cross! They indeed deserve to be decorated. Certain
deaths were indeed buried by their members from families. they were put firmly in their research. They have done everything possible to recover despite their condition and sometimes defaced or unrecognizable. Ceremonies in a hurry were held for final farewells. Their widows and orphans were taken to their home villages. African solidarity was at the rendezvous. Never mind black Africa had also vibrated to the fine fibers to be in this time of widespread distress.
Today, every family is mourning in sorrow and bitterness. No one can no longer close or return the new page opened in daily life here in Inongo. Soon it will be history, only time will finally digest everything. That's how sometimes in life, do not often say that "we must give it time."
"Lux Aeterna dona eis pacem, Domine!" !
"Requiescant in pacem! Jef B.
Abbot -


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