I loop the moment an order bound for the pretty shop October 34. I hope to drag the little moo cards that I've been waiting a few days ... A big thank you to Séverine for his confidence and ease of our trade. I Have just finished about a year order to leave for The Beautiful boutique October 34. I'm still Hoping to get my moo cards on time to label the items specified. |
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Correct Way To Masterbate
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Sword Of Damocles Mod
It is also incumbent theology and history of science. I wonder if it is as close to a Marc Arnould, psychoanalyst or something like that.
Before answering the question he had as his book on the debate with a creationist creationists American, I will first say a few things on the non-theological study.
History of Science Discipline is the worst possible to learn the history of science. It is hardly historic, and certainly not scientific. If you look at science as a town or a quite monolithic type Persian monarchy, History of Science is the national epic Schahnahme and Historians of Science's Ferdaus. Ever the historian of science, in a conflict between a position analogous to that of modern science and another is missing an opportunity to support the position analogous to that she was weak arguments as precursory of Light and repel other position as an error depui fortunately defeated. Giordano Bruno is listed as a hero, John Kepler is a position greater than his master Tychon Brahe, Popes Urban VIII and Pius IX condemned or supported scientific opponents of Galileo and Charles Darwin as there are villains. If this is not true for everyone, this is the general trend.
Mathematics has a somewhat special. On the one hand it is assumed that the definitions of the ancient Greeks were right, but the other one holds the Chifre also known as zero, it supports the writing of a somewhat abbreviated form what
as proof that a product and thereby also a result and thus also a number can be negative. French textbooks have the great advantage to those of Sweden to present it as "integers" and at the same time wrong (mathematically exact terminology) not to prefer the reverse name "Relations numerals. Among those students who have thus include a great example of the stylistic figure metonymy.
But back to Jacques Arnould OP
The U.S. had asked creationist "who created Paris?" Dominican and started to stammer something about the various men who have been involved, without being sure who should be summoned before the others, then the creationist said "no, it is God who created Paris."
Jacques Arnould OP has found it hard. He found evidence that creationists are men doctrinaire unimaginative or even realism. I have not personally met this American man, I can not dogmatic that he had not personally ç trait of characters, but I doubt it, because the example shows us that the Dominican Republic in this book (I just opened the book to read this dialogue) does not prove it. Instead, it proves that the American creationist s'avait asked the right questions about the essence of Paris.
Paris is first place on earth. 48 ° 51 '24 "North of the Equator and 2 ° 21' 07" East of Greenwich (ie 0 ° 0 '0 "East / West Eye Burst of Sainte Genevieve, as noted by an old issue of Journal of Courtly France). It was created like any other place on earth - by God.
This normally called Paris, is a part of the surface tellurian. All of which is below to the Center of the Earth (as we have until other geocentric center of the universe) to rock, sediments, tectonic plates (now, this is theoretical) and all this which is below the potential tectonic plates: it is God who created it, without exception. If Hell is there, like every other city below or non-urban location, as I believe, the only thing God did not create in it is the unwillingness of the damned.
All what is above, to Heaven, to the extreme outer limit of the universe (provided we have the geocentric reason), God created everything there too. The goodwill is more blessed than the poor of the Damned something that can be attributed to God.
Closer Look this surface tellurian 48 ° 51 '24 "North of the Equator and 2 ° 21' 07" East of Greenwich, c to d of Paris. The Seine runs there, God created the water and everything that is natural in the hollow where it flows, including Île de la Cité and Ile St Louis. But we can add somewhere that men have contributed to the banks of the Seine more stabile, less flooding, less vulnerable location by flooding there a.
The men also brought materials from elsewhere to build houses and churches and other buildings and monuments. We can say that only existed in Paris before power that men come to live. Location 48 ° 51 '24 "North of the Equator and 2 ° 21' 07" East Greenwich does not become really Paris before that. Even more: it is Paris after Lutetia Parisiorum. Maybe after something else before. So anyway, as is Jacques Arnould man who created Paris?
But it is God who created man, God created every rock outside Paris which has been drawn marble is God who created the other rock, which was drawn lime to the concrete, and yet you put the pebbles in the concrete. It strengthens the concrete with steel skeletons, which is created in the steel its original materials, iron and coal? Again: God.
They sell crepes, indeed a human creation, but from eggs God let it happen in the chickens, milk that God reveals in the cows, wheat or sarrassine God has grown. Men have only planted the sarrassine or wheat, kept chickens and cows in captivity.
They sell wool sweaters *, but it is God who created the sheep. And the knitters and knitters. If the books are done on linen paper, it is God who has grown flax (yet planted first by a man) and industrial paper if it is God who created each tree.
It carries a lot of these things (sweaters more often than pancakes, as a proportion of total consumption of things) in railway trains or cars, and that created the electricity (it is explained by real electrons and electromagnetic power - no one has seen neither the one nor the other, except, s' they are perhaps the angels and God - or otherwise), who created the tar, who created the oil? God.
When we say that God is almighty means that God does every thing that happens, we entand that everything that happens is done either by the choice of God or by his permission. And likewise, when we say that God is the Creator of all things visible and invisible means that there are things that God created directly, there are other which have been rearranged by a creature before they are rearranged but also from the visible creature.
We see a parallel in the Church. And it's very dangerous for a clergyman to forget that angels, souls, bodies involved especially the Sacraments, the materials which made the sacraments and sacramental, places where the Church takes place, all that is creature of God. A bishop may choose such a city rather than another to make his mission, and when the choice is not hers, is that of another man, a pope or patriarch that sends a king or who advertising (would not that nice if the King of Morocco claimed the monks Barroux to his baptism and a Catholic mission? - except that there is not, it is still a Muslim). The written law in Sweden's oldest home, the Westrogothe Act (which is not the Law Visigoth) begins with a chapter called the Church, which is set when a child is baptized and who is allowed to go at the Bishop's claim for a new parish priest. But every choice made by a man does have other than what God Himself has created or given.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mouffetard, Paris V
Jan 29, 2011, the feast of
St. Francis de Sales
* If "chandala" then it is the fault of the librarian, I asked him the question.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Microsoft Frontpage Or Adobe Dreamweaver.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Dentitex Toothbrushes
the rehabilitation center self-portraits and ... portraits. The last drawing on a black background was done in pastel in his mouth. At The rehab center ... Self-portraits and portraits. The last skit it WAS the black sheet Done With a pastel In The Mouth. |
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Velveeta-rotel Tomato Chicken Pasta
Saturday, January 22, 2011
The North Face Breast Cancer Jacket
Yesterday there were real reasons in their new to complain about Islam - and Jeanne Smits just miss the opportunity! This
Lalita. It is also - though this is not mentioned in THIS - Ousmane. Two suicides in children. Two Muslim families. Yet suicide remains childhood - is the figure of the Parisian - 20 to 30 per year.
Lalita was diabetic, she wanted some candy. Jeanne Smits talks about the consumer society. Does she know what it is diabetes? Does she know she put prices Muslims on the activity? Diabetes fatigue hypoglycemia. Candy may relieve this urge.
Ousmane drowned to avoid being scraped to be his father. A beating of a Muslim father is one thing to take lightly, right?
Muslims do not like St. Paul. This time though, maybe they will listen:
Eph. 6:4 and Nolita ad patres iracundiam provocare filios vestros sed illos in disciplina Educate and correptione Domini - fathers, please do not provoke your children to wrath, but rather educate them in discipline and correction of the Lord.
comment on this:
In like manner "It Is The Duty of Children to obey a parent to it Is the duty of a parent to exhibit character sa situation, sa situation and to Maintain Government, That It Would Be For the proper child to obey, to command Nothing That Is Unreasonable or improper, but to train up his children in the ways of virtue and pure religion.
Provoke not your children to wrath - That is, by unreasonable commands; by needless severity; by the manifestation of anger. So govern them, and so punish them - if punishment is necessary - that they shall not lose their confidence in you, but shall love you. The apostle here has hit on the very danger to which parents are most exposed in the government of their children. It is that of souring their temper; of making them feel that the parent is under the influence of anger, and that it is right for them to be so too.
[ Il y a plus là-dessus dans ce commentaire anglophone. Quand est-ce que les pères font ça?
Il y a aussi a place parallel]
Col 3:21 Nolita ad patres indignationem provocare filios vestros pusillo animo ut non trusting - fathers, please do not provoke your children-to the indignation, that they do not become discouraged
I wonder if suicides infant (under ten, under fourteen) Muslims are not overrepresented. And the Japanese and Jews may be as well. The Blackfoot? Other
suicide, but for now perhaps unsuccessful may already be warned: Maxentius.
Jeanne Smits says that the separation of parents is for something - it's not all - and if the failure of his girlfriend is there with him not for nothing. But how does she ask?
Too early in a case without a future? But precisely, a first love is still too early for a break at any age. And his age and his girlfriend probably is not so low that nature prohibits the maturity to stabilize the relationship.
I think the parent generation of both families are there for something. In this break. There, they are not Muslims that I put into question. He and his girlfriend, left alone, there would soon be a family. In a Muslim context there was a break much sooner, and without their had an opportunity to bond emotionally so quickly through the physical act of love. And there would I think also a chance to find it later.
And it was more a victim of harassment and harnaques at her high school ... Oh what joy for devils that everybody has to rub each other down there! A little more social diversity, a little more work if the already talent were not for studies, it would not hurt! But there is the compulsion school, which is not an issue because Maxence had exceeded 16, there is also the ambition parental responsibility when it is called sometimes very badly instead of pushing the offspring à une école ou partial va mal.
Je DOIS la Gratitude à ma mère d'écrire ca, partial le Sait très bien Pourquoi.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
G. Pompidou / Paris IV
22/I/2011, Sts Vincent a ...?
(J'ai oublié l'autre)
J'allais envoy juste ce message a courriel à ma mère, son mail est Inaccessible.
Open Big Breast Of World
Looking For Square Cupcake Linners
Here I got the news: another blog .
And the Band Played Waltzing Mathilda ... any place in Denmark too, I hope!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Inscription Forcookbook
If everyone was Trounadisse, it would be disgusting (remember that thieves are often Trounadisse upside down). If everyone was Tistou - Tistou no longer Tistou.
If Trounadisse come together to create a world without Trounadisse while Tistou made: not only do they fail, plus they claim to Tistou somewhere (or, at worst Mustache) by proxy - but they remain Trounadisse.
Everyone understands me very well that I do not Tistou and Trounadisse for two people who actually lived in Mirepoil. But there are fools who do not understand not the same thing if I talk about Saruman and Gandalf or Frodo and Sam
If Tistou grow under Trounadisse, that they may happen not to suffer: that they can also suffer. A little worse in the order of men of influence or power are the fire Tistou who want revenge on Trounadisse for not being able to remain Tistou.
If, in addition Trounadisse put behind a former Tistou behind a tempered Tistou to help make the Trounadisse Tistou ...
be added: there are other ways to destroy a Tistou. There are more bitter than to the Trounadisse can haunt a former Tistou.
Another thing to remember - apart from everything we give the author himself?
Yes. If "the flowers do not let evil" it is of course for flowers in florists for roses but most of the Rosary, there are several varieties known Latin or Greek:
Theotoki Parthene Khaire | |
Dominus tecum | ho Kyrios |
meta sou ... | ... |
Back to the book, still a little pick:
Grown-ups have a habit of wanting to force everything to explain the inexplicable.
Even if some strange thing is explicable, they make inexplicable to indulge in this habit of wanting to force everything to explain the inexplicable.
Or rather large people. Tolkien - it is not his fiction, but an essay on fairy tales, chapter on their return to the nursery - reminds us that it is unnecessary to angéliser children and adults to demonize . Maurice Druon is in his foreword to agree that children do not exist, there is the future adults. A true child appetite to grow normally. And the horror of having a reminder that only a child. There are good "become like a child" and there are bad. There also grow up and there's bad. We have the right, indeed the duty to grow while keeping its innocence. Those who become sentimental about the fact that such person is still innocent child and therefore have perhaps not so well guarded their own innocence.
Here is a very stupid Mr. feels the need to squat to pretend to be my size.
is the foreword by Maurice Druon. Tolkien would have agreed. It was from his own memories of childhood.
There are what he says about children and grownups in the book that Tolkien (father of four) would be explained by the fact that he had no children bear himself. Less children you have, the more we become stupid in the comments on them. Unless held in his memoirs.
Since I have already studied elsewhere forms of children's books (also less words and more iconic words to describe everything would look), to explore the dimensions of statistics, here are the statistics for Tistou. Green thumbs. Here they are:
The chapters are the number of XX, there is a Foreword. Of these twenty units I took the first third as an example. | ||||||
paragraphs without dialogue or to (or whose aftershocks are subsidiary) | ||||||
26 23 22 | 13 11 10 | 7 | ||||
paragraphs of dialogue (a few paragraphs counted twice as the top category) | ||||||
25 14 8 | 4 2 | 1 - | ||||
to poems or songs (verses, stanzas not!) | ||||||
5 - | - | - | - | - | - |
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Previous III / Paris
21 / I/2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Extreme Curvesgalleries
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Japanese Groping In Subway
'"Certain truths are self-evident' Goodman said. 'You know who's homeless.'"
Let us suppose he goes around bothering a young hippie style tourist whose father is a NY millonaire, shall we?
"Marshals recently began arresting the homeless in parks under a campaign to force people who are unable or unwilling to care for themselves to get mental help."
A boss or a shrink ... some of us hate both. I might not have hated bosses, if one had not been trying to make me see a shrink as it is I do. Not the bosses of everyone who is content with having a boss, but ... well I would not. Not be content with having a boss.
Forcing people to chose between a boss or a shrink is falsifying the free work force market in favour of bosses. It is also falsifying the free psychiatric market in favour of shrinks. And shrinks are falsifying the free work force market in favour of bosses (by making certain people more pliable) or parallel market in favour of institutions (where they are tortured, basically: sleep deprivation is one thing, in these places they can give one eight hours sleep or more, but medication making you need to sleep as much as a baby + deprivation of coffee).
"City officials call the measure an attempt to stop so-called 'mobile soup kitchens' from attracting the homeless to parks."
Sometimes eating at such, I do however sympathise with the sentiment of keeping soup kitchens out of certain places. It is that or manning them very well with volunteers who throw away whatever plastic plates and left overs and cups were left. As well as volunteers to stop quarrels.
Oh boy, have I seen Roumanians and Russians quarrelling with Arabs here in Paris! And Arabs quarrelling with French! And French quarrelling with Christian ethnicities strangers. And Poles hustling in one corner - God bless them - speaking Polish.
When Christ said "feed the poor" he did not add "preferrably in a soup kitchen".
When he fed two crowds, he had not crowded them so that he could feed them, they had crowded anyway to listen. St Nicholas of Myra and propably St Genevieve of Paris served in such things, Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus having made them. One thousand years later St Genevieve had been herding sheep before making her vows and saving the city. And St Nicholas did not quite cooperate with the regulation. "Your Highness, do not serve this man, he has already been here today" - "Yes, serve him, maybe it is Christ in disguise" (I think the dishonest man returned what he had taken too much of).
Besides, the Annona was not a soup kitchen. You did not go there as a homeless man to have a hot meal but as a poor man with a house and a fire at home to get wheat. And then you ate at home. With your own crockery of pottery, which saved a lot of plastic plates.
This morning was fabulous, I got a 9€ lunch ticket but even so, I had too much to eat and too little coffee for my taste, anyway, I ate a real brunch of best quality. Served of course, in a bakery.**
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Bibl. G. Tillion, Paris
proche de Trocadéro
* http://www.wesh.com/news/9550232/detail.html
** If my uncles had been bakers rather than lawyers ... this does not mean I would like a baker to adopt me as stepnephew, though!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Boobs Heroines Milk Bollywood
Sophie of Workshops Pippin and Sandra alias Watering . Ladies, I took a lot of fun to make your socks inside (except for the son to return) thank you for your shots as I see my achievements made in situ! Sophie from Workshops and Pippin Sandra alias Watering . I Had Much Crocheting pleasure in your slippers ladies (apart from weaving in ends) thank you for your snapshots, I do love seeing my work worn in situ! |
Enlarged Uterus Causes
Saturday, January 15, 2011 afternoon and tomorrow morning we have "worked" for the fallen angel.
Inspection Form Template Building Trade
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Histogram
Today I begin a new art workshop for adult rehabilitation center with self-portraits, drawings the left hand, with the mouth, drawing laughter and timed ... I hope! Today I am starting |
Saturday, January 15, 2011
W.m. Rogers & Son China
"In early infancy he had suffered castration--a natural precaution against a conubine's son, for under those circumstances he could never hope to usurp the throne from a legitimate heir." Chronographia I 3 about parakoimomenus Basil (the title means chamberlain).
"To most men of our generation who saw the emperor Basil he seemed austere and abrupt in manner, an irascible man who did not quickly change his mind, sober in his daily habits and averse to all effeminacy, but if I am to believe the historians of that period who wrote about him, he was not at all like that when his reign began. A change took place in his character ... It was the pressure of events that brought about this complete alteration in the course of his life. His character stiffened so to speak. ..." Next chapter about the future Boulgaroktonos.
Submitting someone to a series of events that forces him to change character is a bad thing for a man to do to another man. Only God knows if Basil had been better and more secure of his salvation if he had been spared that.
In the case of making Basil spoudaioteros --more serious--, men may have intrigued to play God. In the case of making the future parakoimomenus impotent, there is no question someone treated his happiness or not as a means for assuring some kind of Reason of State.
Despite Mount Athos, I cannot pretend Byzantium was better and more legitimate state than the Empire of Charlemagne./HGL
Friday, January 14, 2011
Disney Cinemagic1 Games
Where Bto Sell My Pearls
My mind subject a little perverse at times misplaced and is perpetually tested in everyday life. How not to smile without thinking when I meet:
Thursday, January 13, 2011
How Much Will A Single Person With 3
Monday, January 10, 2011
Whats A Good Vacuum For Tile
Un homme, qui se pose comme voulant imposer la Loi ancienne aux Chrétiens baptisés m'a contacté. J'ai refusé l'invitation à son groupe d'amis, car je crois sa position objectivement erronnée et blasphème.
A man who poses as wanting to impose the ancient Law as an obligation on baptised Christians contacted me. I refused to add him, since I believe his position to be objectively wrong and blasphemous.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
à Beaubourg BPI