in progress ... in progress ... |
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Trunk Leaking Water Saturn
Advantages Of Purge Dip System
Alt And Ast High And Mono
A crown embedded with ears in preparation for the costume of Cerys who dreams of being the King of the Elves character from The Hobbit JRR Tolkien for World Book Day on Thursday. Costume largely inspired by the beautiful hood crafted and donated by Gina Sequin . I show you all soon. Making a paper mache costume crown for Cerys's Who Wishes To Be The King of The Elves from The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien for World Book Day this coming Thursday. Widely costume Inspired by a beautiful hood made by Gina Sequin . Shall I share with You Lot Of The Peak When It IS ready. |
Monday, February 28, 2011
Abnormal Cells In Pap Smear
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Message On Wedding Welcome Bags
Friday, February 18, 2011
Statistic Graphs Of Anorexia
Copied from a blog:
the Catechism of the Catholic Church states the following:
2483 Lying is the most direct offense against the truth. To lie is to speak or act against the truth in order to lead someone into error. By injuring man’s relation to truth and to his neighbor, a lie offends against the fundamental relation of man and of his word to the Lord.
2488 The right to the communication of the truth is not unconditional. Everyone must conform his life to the Gospel precept of fraternal love. This requires us in concrete situations to judge whether or not it is appropriate to reveal the truth to someone who asks for it.
2489 Charity and respect for the truth should dictate the response to every request for information or communication. The good and safety of others, respect for privacy, and the common good are sufficient reasons for being silent about what ought not be known or for making use of a discreet language. The duty to avoid scandal often commands strict discretion. No one is bound to reveal the truth to someone who does not have the right to know it.
A simple question, which need not be answered me personally but should maybe be answered readers of this blog: how many priests think that a man being described as a dangerous maniac by civil authorities who rely on psychiatry is a reason enough to withhold truth obstinately from him? And how far do they think they have a right to go in "withholding truth", up to lying to heaven so he Can not DEFEND himself Legally note by Being Told how he is calumnied?
A related one: "How Many of Them Think They Could Have wrist refusal of Truth Time After Time When Being Themselves honest and reasonably peaceful and the refusal Ruining Their peaceful plan for Themselves And Their happiness and also" for doing good?
Hans-Georg Lundahl
St. Simon and St. Flavian
and St. Bernadette of Lourdes
e Feb. 18, Y oo L 2011
Køb Tech Deck Ramper
Marzena Wojciechowska
I explained that what a historical person or, what historical fact than it was about, is it unreasonable to most historical evidence to substantiate that particular person or the fact. Rather than repeat my example, I take another. Cena Trimalchionis is a novel. Or rather, the novel Satyricon, Cena Trimalchionis is just the most famous kapitlet.Den billed with it gifvetvis nothing her action. But it occupies the new rich party people, slaves and freedmen, men with erectile dysfunction and the worship of Priapus to cure them were well-known phenomenon. So Cena Trimalchionis billed nothing that there were Christians or that Jesus existed. But Buffy coats - what I know so far - not that Bertrand Russell was or that Obama is fine or that Angela Merkel is. Just to vampires and teenage problems were known at the beginning of 21 first century and is sometimes associated. So it is always with "the most historical sources." Every classify certain things, nothing else. If every single thing silence most sources.
Come as Bertrand Russell's famous thékanna of speech.
Outside Saturn ring hovers a thékanna in orbit that we have no view, therefore, that it is too far away. - "Of course nothing will!" - "Prove it!"
Now Russell's objection would be a nice parody of the argument of an agnostic who recognizes no ngt evidence that God is fine, just as Russell did, and in which case that nothing is even willing to consider a eventuel god would be with Jesus or the miracles to be done, but still nothing to exclude that starvation may be a god anyway. But Russell's tea-pot, I say 'the proof of the tea-pot, or give you ". And if Russell (or rather ngn pupil or disciple's disciple, for he was haunted, he would hardly repeat the mistake he ended up in hell for ghosts-witnesses) answer anything about that I should treat my God, or give me, I reply: fain it!
My argument is nothing that an elephant can be found in the basement even if no one has seen it or no one heard it or no one felt its legs or trunk or der-operate in the basement. My argument is that "the elephant in the basement" actually faced. But gifgvetvis not of "the majority of historical sources", since such universelt penetration is incredible.
I. ofs is true that Jesus faced in most historical sources written in the Vest since he lived on earth, by reference to the reference, but then tell us already about Jesus as a "religious figure in the distant past ', somewhat as atheist probably considers may be fiction in which case that. We speak of historical evidence about Jesus' historical figure in the recent past. "The recent past may be limited to the first century. After St. John, Ascension, no one had lived as a contemporary of Jesus. What I have is that the annals of time there - several of the independent sources that he found, no source to the contrary, and lots of sources that simply leave this derhän. As Cena Trimalchionis.
Cena Trimalchionis is an evidence that the Satyricon was a writer. We have a number of sources, I have Inganäs idea which, to call the writer Petronius. Tacitus as historians billed to Petronius existed in a master elegantiarum to Nero. And Nero billed by its förfölgelse against Christians - also of the historian Tacitus (see his Annales XV.44. That Christian
How many sects do you feel about myself as having hyfsadt many members now, which go back to the person who died 30 years ago, according to what they say themselves, and yet there were no further back than ten years ago and whose founder 30 years ago is pure invention? No, just that!
Among the Christians who förfölgdes then, there were two college to Petronius, and Tacitus, that two writers. St. Peter and St. Paul. They were also entitled prominent in the sect. Well, they were now more college to Petronius, that is a novelist, or Tacitus, that is history-clerk? Actually, not quite either one or the other. Rather, to another well documented contemporary writers, Seneca, his Epistulae Morales. The skrefvo namely on how we should live. On the contrary, they took quite often statements of a certain Jesus, as Peter himself has seen udner jordelifvet and that Paul was speaking after the resurrection.
So, if Jesus nothing available, I have St. Peter and St. Paul have been, or are they fiction? And if they now would be a fiction from a much more recent Christian, how could Tacitus say that Christians förfölgdes of fomenting Rome's fire?
Now Tacitus mentions no St. Peter and St. Paul. It does, on the contrary St. Irenaeus. And he mentions that St. Peter was a disciple of Jesus, but that St. John was also there. And he is known as a disciple of St. Polycarpus who was known as a disciple of John who was Jesus. So if Jesus was an invention, how is it with Peter and John, authors who claim to have witnessed the life's of our Lord?
If the non-existence, why fine as a collection of a Revelation, a lefnadsskildring of Jesus (as utelemnar childhood), and three letters of Christian conduct tillskrifna John, and two letters tillskrifna Peter? If they existed, but no Jesus, why they died when its apparently common fabrications?
St. Paul mentioned his fine St. Luke - the author of The Gospel (lifsbeskrifning of Jesus, with bits of childhood) and a book about what happened after Jesus ascended to heaven. St. Paul himself wrote fourteen letters. But if Luke found on the der Paul-who penned when the fourteen letters?
And, in addition to Peter, Paul and John all have written that they met Jesus more than once - St. Paul of the revelations after the ascension, but he writes about those who saw him after the resurrection, after having been the disciples before the crucifixion, the other two write out to have been with him before the crucifixion - and in addition to the efterlemnat texts that no one then seems to have taken for pleasure reading in the style of Satyricon have they been mentioned by a groupe of other writers, of which I already mentioned the St. Irenaeus. He also mentions that the Church of Rome - altså sect lokalafdelning in the imperial capital, if you want to be snide - had successors Peter and Paul: Linus, Cletus, Clement, and nine to up to the time when he writes this. All of them killed by kristendomsförfölgande State. And he mentions two other depictions of Jesus' life, along with John and Luke: Luke will be Mark and the Mark Matthaeus. And this St. Mark is also known from other places, like the first bsikopen of Alexandria in Egypt. Yes, Bishop was - so it was over - the default title of a manager of a local or regional detachment of "Christians".
So, if Russell would now wanted to be compared Jesus lefnad with its famous tea-pot outside Saturn's orbit, whose only evidence no is an evidence, but only slightly Russell hatched out in the debate, it would probably be problematic. If he asked me or any other ngn katholik orthodox or how we knew that Jesus lived, was this other person (I am myself fior young to have spoken to Russell) responded the same as I now do:
A) The three synoptic Gospels and their authors, Matthaeus, Mark, Luke, and by Peter, Paul, and indirect through their martyrdom during Nero, bekräftadt of Tacitus;
B) By John, by Polycarpus, by Papias, by Ignatius of Antioch, by Clement, by receiving Churches of Clement and Ignatius letters, and;
C) by St. Irenaeus of Lyon, and the twelve successor of Peter and Paul in Rome as he lists.
Jefviga? Maybe if Jesus divine. Hardly about their mutual relationships, and feeling the of each other. You know that Russell found that Dawkins talked about him, perhaps met him. On the contrary, Dawkins may have been jefvig on afsaknaden of divinity in the universe and that Russell would have been right about that.
The list of the so-called Apostolic Fathers, I enumerated in part, B, partly in C, felt the Catholic Church always. Similarly, the first Protestants, who vividly 1400 years in arrears was trying to make them Protestants. After two hundred years of debate, as omvexlade with religious war, and that the Protestants had a tendency to no win, Protestants began to think it was best to forget about Clemens and Polycarpus in everyday speech. And then began the Protestant England, but also Bayle losing the Christian faith. , What is the reason that Russell had no knowledge of this, he was, as the example of tea-kettle proves Englishman. Wondering why Gramsci, he was a communist and officially atheist, nothing tried by an Italian espresso maker? Perhaps to Rome, St. Peter, St. Paul, Linus, Cletus, Clemens and the others in Clubb were a little too close?
Hans-Georg Lundahl
The library Georges Pompidou
Sta Bernadette of Lourdes' days
"Atheism is true, for the likes sophisticated Englishmen.
Englishmen are sophisticated, the sophisticated Englishmen are atheist."
* Error in Wikipedia yesterday, and I was stressed, this is what Tacitus writes, in English:
Such indeed were the precautions of human wisdom. The next thing was to seek means of propitiating the goods, and recourse was begged To The Sibylline books, by the direction Of which prayers were offered to Vulcanus, Ceres, and Proserpina. Juno, too, was entreated by the matron, first, into the Capitol, hadeeth on the nearest part of the coast, whence water was procured to sprinkle the fane and image of the goddess. And there were sacred banquets and nightly vigils celebrated by married women. But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order. Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind. Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired.- Källa: Tacitus Annales, XV , scrolla ned rätt långt!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wet Cervical Mucus Early Pregnancy
Speaking of myths:
Gaith spake:
“The Greeks invented a form, albeit limited, of self-government; a Roman invented the steam engine. It would a millennium of Christianity-dominated European history to resurrect those two ideas.”
These two sentences are quite a muddle. Yes, the Greeks did manage to get a form of democracy going for a while (though bad luck if you were an Athenian woman or a slave). But it was not killed off by Christianity – it died long before Jesus was even born and its ashes were stamped on by successive generations of Macedonian, Ptolomaic [sic], Sele[u]cid and Roman despots and monarchs. And we actually didn’t have to wait “a millennium” before similar forms of (limited) democracy arose again – we see it again in Icelandic society and in the city states of Italy and in the Parliaments of England – all of which flourished *during* that supposedly benighted millennium of the Middle Ages.
Now, actually Tim O'Neill is a bit off the hook. When Demosthenes (was it he who wrote the Philippics?) spoke up against Philip of Macedon, indeed he was not heeded. But what happened afterwards was not Athenians loosing all rights to govern Athens. What happened was Athens loosing the right to an independent foreign policy. If you know how Suzdal and Moscow related to the Khan, you get a bit of the picture.
Just as a bit further West, when Pompei came under Rome, likewise it did not loose its interior self-governement. There was, up to eruption of Vesuvius, a Senatus PopulusQue Pompeiorum. And so on for about any Italian city. France was a bit different, seeing that pre-Roman society was tribal and Aristocratic: so French city-states were more like Sparta than Athens and even more like Crete in constitution after Rome took over. And Rome taking over meant basically that a Citizen of X automatically was a Roman Citizen and had a right to vote in Rome in the comitia and so on if he was in Rome. Which, from Caesar on, meant little politically. It did not mean that whatever democracy or Aristocracy there was was lost to Roman bureaucrats. There were even some Kings under Rome. Herod is a known one, the grandfather of Constantine, King Cole of Colchester is at least a previously presumedly known one. But Athens never had Kings under Rome and presumably Colchester and Holy Land never were exactly democracies under Rome.
In France this was further modified by the Roman villa, by retreat from the Cities (due to Imperial taxation or insecurity during wars: I mean in New York State the Twin Towers were more likely to get hit than Potsdam) and by - in some, not all cases - new landlords being Franks. It was also modified by new freemen retaining unfreedoms in relation to old masters. But all this was local modification, not centralised constitution.
When City States began to flourish again, they had, if founded early, Ancient tradition behind their constitutions. Venice obviously was not founded in Antiquity, but Vienna was. It is not an accident and probably not even "interpretatio antiqua" when mayors in city councils call the other ones Consules.
Wheather Steam engine was a blessing is quite another matter. Heron's Ball was not meant for productivity and labour saving devices for grinding wheat actually start during Middle Ages: the Water Mills and later Wind Mills. They owe nothing to Antiquity as far as commonly used devices are concerned. But that you got quite right on your own.
Thank you for citing Thomas Bradwardine again, he is responsible for inventing the idea of a logarithmic relation (an artificial parallelism between geometric and arithmetic progressions) and I think he applied it to exact sciences, though logarithmic tables are later. When it comes to those tables, I think they owe more to Antique than to Modern Mathematic definitions, or can at least be conceived while retaining Ancient definitions (that remained prevalent during Middle Ages) but that is another story. The idea of representative democracy - Parliaments - is from Middle Ages, and maybe helped inspire the idea of "symbolic mathematics" or "synecdoché" that he used there.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Prepaid Blackberry Service Dubai
Here is the blog post .
On Saturday I complained about comments not being validated. Later in the evening I see they are validated and I see no answers to them. Today as I look again, I do see answers, but no where to put my comments, as if comments were closed.
The North was able to mass produce boots, but if the South had a large enough and widely distributed enough boot making industry, they might not have had the shortage of boots the suffered even without having the factory to mass produce them.
But the point is that mass producing boots was nearly invented during Civil War by the North. Invention of Stitching Machine was made in the 1850's. It was improved and marketed during Civil War by Gordon McKay.
The CSA was too dependent on outside sources for even basic needs of everyday life like clothing and guns for hunting.
Dependent? Or did they just like importing luxuries? There is a difference.
The Kalashnikov felling a plane, that would have to be just about a perfect shot, one difficult to do.
Not so. A plane a hundred metres or two hundred metres or so from shooter, and pointing at a theoretic point in front of plane, where it will be when bullet reaches it plus riddle a bit, that will do it.
One has to take into account too, that a plane can fly higher than any gun can reach.
Above plains, yes. Iraq was a pretty easy prey to bombs. But, when it comes to landing paras or when it flies up in mountains, there is another matter.
The mountainous terrain of Afghanistan may indeed disfavor tanks in many cases. But this discussion, as i understand it, involves the general question of how a distributist economy would fare against a capitalist or socialist one in war. That would include a flat terrain as well, which wouldn’t have those advantages.
Kaboul? The West is not Using that terrain to give Christians freedom. The President in Kaboul is playing a line dancing game between warlords in mountains (who are regarded as heroes by some, sufficiently many to keep him at their mercy in some questions, unless he really is the jerk he seems - he put a man in prison for converting to Christianity) and the occupant who is happy because he was elected. In an election they had a chance to validate and did not invalidate.
Sad, sad, story.
Btw, from what i’ve read, i think Afghanistan is more what i’d call a landlordist society than a distributist one.
Depends on where, I think. Plains, you are right, I think. Mountains? I have the impression - a strong one, but it may still be wrong - that Mountain Dwellers there are small tribal societies. Distributist or not, at least non-industrial and simple "to the extreme".
Hans-Georg Lundahl=HGL
Audoux, Paris III
15-II-2011, Feast of
St Claude de La Colombière
“Ammo is provided by enemy”. = Whenever Western troops are lost in battle, they loose their ammo too. To OUR enemy, or one of them, in this case.
Pratham Raped By Gauri For Kutumb
Quote A:
In a column at the end of October, New York Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni looked down his nose at Four Loko, a fruity, bubbly, brightly colored malt beverage with a lower alcohol content than Chardonnay and less caffeine per ounce than Red Bull. “It’s a malt liquor in confectionery drag,” Bruni wrote , “not only raising questions about the marketing strategy behind it but also serving as the clearest possible reminder that many drinkers aren’t seeking any particular culinary or aesthetic enjoyment. They’re taking a drug. The more festively it’s dressed and the more vacuously it goes down, the better.”
Less than two weeks after Bruni panned Four Loko and its déclassé drinkers, he wrote admiringly of the “ambition and thought” reflected in hoity-toity coffee cocktails offered by the Randolph at Broome, a boutique bar in downtown Manhattan. He conceded that “there is a long if not entirely glorious history of caffeine and alcohol joining forces, of whiskey or liqueurs poured into after-dinner coffee by adults looking for the same sort of effect that Four Loko fans seek: an extension of the night without a surrender of the buzz.”
Quote B:
What made this particular formulation intolerable—indeed “adulterated,” according to the FDA—was not its chemical composition but its class connotations: the wild and crazy name, the garish packaging, the low cost, the eight color-coded flavors, and the drink’s popularity among young partiers who see “blackout in a can” as a recommendation. Those attributes made Four Loko offensive to the guardians of public health and morals in a way that Irish coffee, rum and cola, and even Red Bull and vodka never were.
Ah, I guess so. And Gilbert Keith Chesterton pointed out that in Prohibitionist mentality decades ago, when talking about Prohibition in America. As well as in his satiric novel The Flying Inn .
Ah, an armchair commentator like me can't have all the scoops! Creds to Jacob Sullum !
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Audoux,Paris III
15-II-2011, Feast of
St Claude La Colombière
Can You Remove And Reuse Undertank Heaters
Why is it that Christian Mythology gets a pass and can be assumed to be true until proven otherwise. No one assumes that various heroes of Greek Mythology must have existed and a great deal of historical and archeological research often goes into examining the basis for many of these different myths and stories. ...
De Amazon, une critique de lecteur d'un des livres qui traitent Our Lord Jesus Christ as "a myth", ie according to their use of the word, an untruth.
Other critical step in this direction and how
Everything in the Bible regarding this false Jesus Were Elaborate pieces of fiction Borrowed from "apostle" to "apostle," With bits of information made it up and tacked As They Went Along Writing
what constitutes a research approach of apologetics as well. For now I note that it seems very unlikely as an explanation even pagan myths. It may be very likely that this or that myth is a pagan assembled various things, but why all fictional? In addition, one thing can become part of an assembled without cause - as it may be part of a fictional assembled after a fact, certainly not isolated but rather assembled in history. Every time, I'll try again to demonstrate that it is rather the case with most of the details of Deucalion and Pyrrha myth with their deluge.
To give my very brief response, first is this: a narrative may be erroneous when the facts but also when the explanations, in mythology and pagan gods we speak of Pagans as explanations. They are idols, they are not divine, but they are sometimes the narrative and not part of the facts alleged.
Each explanation leading to the use of a pagan god name is not necessarily totally wrong. For if the fall of Troy is said "it was the will of Zeus, which is accomplished" and if they entandaient Zeus the god above all others, it is true that the God above all other "gods" to d higher than angels and devils had decided either to try or at least allow the fall of Troy. By cons, in the mistaken when he recomm is staged as speaking with Hera and other Olympians as if he was born in Cyprus Aphrodite as his daughter. When it is said that Apollo inspired such number of men who lost their security measures or that he sent the plague, it is understood as Apollyon, the Destroyer, ie the Devil.
As you may have guessed, I do not think the Trojan War, legendary for it is known to be a historic mistake, nor the return for Odysseus in Ithaca.
By cons, if you go to Hesiod's Theogony, this is a false private revelation, as the Koran or the Book of Mormon, as also the sacrificial rites of divination or Numa Pompilius, who does not like the true God.
Between the two, again, Deucalion and Pyrrha. I find sometimes correspond Noah's family, sometimes that of Abraham, and even that of Lot. Bossuet was also believed to confusion, but between the flood of Noah and a flood Newest Thessaly, I agree that there is confusion, but another disaster was the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of gluttony, inhospitality and against nature, that is abuse of the powers of fertility.
Greek Myth | History of Genesis |
Deucalion and Pyrrha were a childless couple vieu ... | Abraham and Sarah were a couple without children vieu common ... |
that visited ... | three gods ... that visited three angels, people of god already revealed in the Old Testament. |
They lived among humanity unfairly sentenced to die for his sins, the three gods visited them for the save. | Lot lived in a city doomed to perish, two of the three angels visited him in for the save. |
They had to put in a boat to survive a flood. | Noah and his family had to put in the ark of salvation, a symbol of the church. |
After the flood the infertile couple is wondering how to repopulate the earth. | Girls Lot believed to be a major problem when restocking of all the land they believed destroyed. |
They consult an oracle. | Lot's daughters also decide on an unlawful means. |
The oracle said to lay the bones of the mother behind the shoulders. | |
Deucalion and Pyrrha understood that "mother" was the land. They then consider the stones as his bones and throw them back. God created Adam | ex limo terrae. " |
They repopulated the earth as well. | whole earth was repopulated by Noah's son and three wives. |
So the whole story is wrong in general, although almost every detail is correct. The myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha is thus intermediate between the story quite well written and what the Iliad and the private revelation Odyssé very wrong what the Theogony.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Monday, February 14, 2011
Adult Cruising Spots New Jersey
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Sterowniki Sony Drc Trv18
one hand he praises the true religion of the monks in the film. He attributes the fact that the traditional monasticism is so close to the legacy of the players that it still works. Already there I want to say that it is perhaps for the monks who are not actors too, even in bright novus ordo. Or some of them. This does not, I have real difficulties with novus ordo in France or a significant part: for example, their distrust of creationism or acceptance of late dates for editors of the four canonical Gospels. Ie they are too accepting of the supposed expertise of today, their too little suspicion that behind the "expertise" there sometimes, not even hidden, a lack of logic or a logic based on monism. Or creativity in modern and idealistic spirit of certain prayers before préfation added.
the other side he ends by describing
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Vert St Denis
*Citation exacte:
But if the heart is drained out of Catholicism, as it was by Vatican II, so that in real life, anywhere in the world, Catholic monks and priests are liable to be giving not only medical but also moral support to anti-Catholic revolutionaries -- in fact, as Archbishop Lefebvre used to say, modernist priests make the most terrible of revolutionaries ! -- can one be surprised if any established government objects to Conciliar priests' Undermining of law and order?
Translation added in the letter itself:
But as long as you empty the Catholicism of his heart, as did Vatican II, so that in real life around the world, monks and priests Catholics are able to lend to revolutionary anti-Catholic support not only medical but moral - Archbishop Lefebvre did he not say that priests are the worst of the modernist revolution? - Is it any wonder if any established government is standing up to efforts of conciliar priests to subvert public order?
It seems rather that the aid given by the monks was just humanitarian, so in the Geneva Convention or its spirit. Which is alien to Muslim secularist regime as much or perhaps more than a plan or mouvence Islamist. In Algeria there were problems of legitimacy since decolonization. And the last colonial regimes have undermined the legitimacy of colonial was there before.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Pain In The Bridge Of My Nose And Headache
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tiredness And Sugar Level
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Norfloxacin And Alcohol
Itchy Blister Buttocks
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A week ago I reread the article in Nouvel Observateur on Freemasonry. It is very clear that no mason has his career because of its masonry. I doubt, because if two candidates and if one is a Freemason is the other anti-mason ... you see?
Well, first recall some facts, why not the names and professions especially the Great Masters:
Lodge | Name Occupation | |
French National Grand Lodge 44 000 Francis | Stifani Brothers | lawyer |
Grand Lodge of France Alain-Noël | Dubart | surgeon |
Grand Orient de France 50 000 Brothers | Guy Arcizet | retired physician member of the Socialist Party |
French Federation of Human Right | Jacques Samouelian | psychiatrist |
Grand Lodge of France Women | Denise Oberlin | engineer (sic) |
One can believe that the trades of gm are not representative for each box, but rather to Freemasonry overall:
- Lawyer < juristes > judges militiares, police, prison administration, guardians of minors and adults disabilities
- surgeon, doctor, psychiatrist < corps médical avec ... > dentists, psychiatrists, avortionnistes, contraceptive function of gynecology, Social Security Administration, including CMU
- engineer (it is not called when it's ingenious engineer or a woman?) < technologie > EdF, GdF-Suez, technical services such as computer computers in libraries or ...
- lack of the 5 grand masters, but still there: teachers, kindergarten to university, not to mention librarians
The boxes do not always understand each other very well, especially with the GOdF GL. But they still have one thing in common: "common enemy what the National Front, no doubt with the fundamentalists as Gollnisch and Jean Madiran (which is not a member) and Holleindre (which does is no longer a member) first referred.
Some more quotes:
Any mason at the time of its introduction must provide a criminal record and take the first degrees - apprentice, journeyman - in the eyes of two brothers supervisors.
taste a little with each word
"Any mason at the time of his initiation ..." - my mother forbade me to join quelquonque secret society, she cited the example of Franco who banned the masonry. I had an "initiation" in the schoolhouse was housed without her informed, but I'm not brave, and I never would brave the forbidden me to initiate in the boxes. But it's nice to remember, as good things, baptism, marriage, entry into religious orders, as well as some bad ones, like the lodge, an established order specifies the decision or step at a specific time.
"... must provide a criminal record ..." that I did not. The day of St. Agatha in 1998 provided me with three properties:
- I have no criminal record * and therefore can not become a Freemason,
- I showed some vehemence in my defense against the Psychiatry and aid police (remember, when the police serve justice or public order, not disorder to establish a private life, I respect and I respected at the time too),
- and I ' I still have not taken a human life or injuries so debilitating.
"... and take the first degree - Apprentice, journeyman - in the eyes of two brothers supervisors. " - This course allows people to harass someone claiming to be overseers of the brothers an apprentice bricklayer. Especially if they are people who are really in a box. Especially if the victim can be marginalized in certain positions inconsistent with the box, as faithful of the SSPX.
Alain Bauer, a Freemason, police said something about the view that membership in the houses would guarantee career
This view is wrong. Why do you want a police officer of the Grand Orient Mason, a member of a union of the left get along with a policeman GLNF brother, a union member the right? In the police, as elsewhere, the brothers are divided. There is not even a fraternal professional (sic) but three. And I was invited in three.
is probably very true that membership in a particular box is a guarantee to a particular career. Still, divisions between masons are limited: we have a common enemy, the National Front. Belong to any lodge in a profession with three fraternal sympathies and report same to the right or nationnale Catholic confessional ... it would not spoil some careers?
Le Nouvel Observateur reported some details of the fraternal example being the "Freemason meetings between the same profession to discuss trade between people of good will (sic) [they] are watched through. The masters condemn them, but the brothers remain free to join. " One wonders how many clergy, not just liberal Protestant, but even with some claim to orthodoxy are with sibling to learn. One wonders how they are open to certain non-members (no, do not invite me!), As clergy, Rotarians, intellectuals, Rosicrucians.
Because ultimately, my situation seems - at least to my eyes, I am as you see no prejudice to the Freemason, rather cons - have been managed by Freemason through the clergy whom I entrusted myself spiritually. There were so many that go unsaid in a very little resemblance to the truth that I know myself, but also in a very Kantian moral sense, which I suspected to be present enough in the dressing room and in the fraternal . There were so many remarks with a targeted rather teaching vis-à-vis me. There were so many people who showed me some collusion that allowed me expect a change in the direction I wanted and then wanted to make discrete, so I was too spoiled.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
BPI-GP, Paris
Ste Apolline,
9 - II - 2011
* In 1962, Jean Madiran said that sometimes it is an honor to have been in prison. Cervantes and Malory écrivèrent in prison.
Polaris Snowmobilecolt
The Miracle of Marcelino - Marcelino Obviously Was The Only Child'm his monastery. Adopting Their
HIM Was a lifetime Once in Their daring decision.
Care Leavers of Australia Network - all of Which Were Obviously Not The Only Child In Their respective orphanages.
Their taking care of those now accusing them was organised on a large scale with lots of good plans being made on the paper.
Good plans which the Franciscan convent in Spain did not need. And each of which the Franciscan convent in Spain could have put to reality much better than those for whom the good plans were written.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Place d'Italie
Paris V
9 - II - 2011
St Apollonia
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Jesus Christ, Mason of God
I mean, one thing about all these Pagan divinities is that they actually did use some kind of labour division, some kind of specialisation. Beside them, Our Lord looks like a Renaissance Man. I think St Athanasius of Alexandria and I know CSL in a book citing him, whether in that context or just after or before it states that the miracles of Jesus are miracles that identify him as the reality behind all the Pagan myth gods.
Even if Our lord HAD been just a myth god rather than the one who outdo these many ones, it would not have proven him unhistorical. Some of the myth gods were persons before getting into godhead honours. Julius Caesar and Buddha are two generally admitted examples, one could add Odin who was probably an adept of Hermes Trismegistos or something equally foul before getting known in Upsala as someone a bit like Saturn (as an old guy) a bit like Jove (as ruler of gods and men, even as supposed creator) and, on top of that, Hermes or Mercurius. As a Christian I need not believe his relation to the wife of Niord who succeeded him and Frey who succeeded Niord was a demonic illusion, only that his way later appearances were.
But the point is, with all these Pagan parallels, D. M. Murdoch has very skillfully proven what she refuses to see: that Paganism is not a parallel for Christ.
Pagan artisan gods were typically Smith Gods and as such Ugly and Bad Tempered. She has an example where one such - a Celtic one - is also a Carpenter. Our Lord was Carpenter, Period. Pretty unique among Pagan Artisan Gods. OK, I think there was a Babylonian example of a Potter God (not named Harry to the best of my knowledge) but Our Lord seems to have used pottery clay on one or two occasions: 1) according to a childhood gospel he made clay birds and when an envious neighbour child wanted to destroy these he chased them away for their safety, and away they flew, quite alive; 2) he mingled clay from dust and his spittle to cure a pair of eyes. Otherwise, he was a carpenter and a fisherman (would that qualify as Poseidon or something?) but neither potter nor the much more typical smith.
And bad tempered? Well, he used to call a certain sect hypocrites, the same that is national religion among the nation now bearing the name of his, but it is not a question of envy against some more beautiful guy, as when Venus did it with Mars. Maybe just some kind of envy against some kind of intruder, but not a good romantic.
When Acharya S/D. M. Murdock is so good at finding parallels, it is surprising she does not find the obvious parallel. A knight in shining armour on a white horse and with a sword, a prince who saves his bride to be, now that is a parallel to Our Lord, according to Apocalypse Ch. 19 (Hey, if you deny the Gospels are anything like historical, why stick to them and avoid apocalypse?). Only, unlike Hephaistos and Ptah, unlike Jupiter Hospitalis (Zeus Xenios), unlike Aesculapius and Bacchus et c. myths and cults, Cinderella and Snow White are not pre-Christian but post-Christian. Not inspriing Christianity but inspired by it.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Paris V
9 - II - 2011,
Saint appoline
Monday, February 7, 2011
Congrats On Your Baby Sayings
But not without a little help here. This is not soup, but soup, Anne. When she mocks the cappa magna Cardinal a *, it seems to me that she was mistaken confession. Because it accuses the cappa magna which is to be effeminate. The Catholic Chesterton brought what was the answer: It Is
Akin To The classical, and is at least the opposite of the grotesque. And since we are talking here chiefly in types and symbols, perhaps as good an embodiment as any of the idea may be found in the mere fact of a woman wearing a skirt. It is highly typical of the rabid plagiarism which now passes everywhere for emancipation, that a little while ago it was common for an "advanced" woman to claim the right to wear trousers; a right about as grotesque as the right to wear a false nose. Whether female liberty is much advanced by the act of wearing a skirt on each leg I do not know; perhaps Turkish women might offer some information on the point. But if the western woman walks about (as it were) trailing the curtains of the harem with her, it is quite certain that the woven mansion is meant for a perambulating palace, not for a perambulating prison. It is quite certain that the skirt means female dignity, not female submission; it can be proved by the simplest of all tests. No ruler would deliberately dress up in the recognized fetters of a slave; no judge would appear covered with broad arrows. But when men wish to be safely impressive, as judges, priests or kings, they do wear skirts, the long, trailing robes of female dignity The whole world is under petticoat government; for even men wear petticoats when they wish to govern.**
Anne donne elle-même la réponse, la-même en plus serieuse, car elle dit, à propos des kohanim Aaronites: "... et qui était une tunique, vêtement masculin à l'époque ... " - but it is between the first and second coming of the Lord, and during that time, not just the tunic, but the talar, also known as the cassock was pretty much a men's clothing, even for observation the cloak of kings and emperors, not to mention the Cardinals. And on the lace, check out the necks of three musketeers - no, not the supermarket, there's too stylized, but on a film or book . But maybe it's time for it to be wrong: maybe she thinks it's 1717 after his own birth that He is incarnate? Period from which, admittedly, pants are the rule for men except in Scotland. I do not find attractive at all by this theory, it seems too unorthodox.
When she compares the Cardinal at Little Red Riding Hood, who is she, herself? The grandmother or the wolf? There is another fairy tale that goes better with comparisons (p. 10-11):
... and allow them to believe, just a dream until midnight, like Cinderella, that the Church is still triumphant and glorious.
But after midnight, the day comes when the Prince seeks Cinderella, whose feet are going well in his shoe is lost, but not that of her sisters, Such a difference between the wise virgins and foolish virgins; for midnight also means the hour of darkness (knock-knock-knock-knock on the benches, to symbolize the disciples' feet), came to the Lord, coming for his Bride (who was alone, mostly in Spain until 1939 a terrible foretaste of that), the time of the triumph of Judas. "The prince is the archetype of the ideal man that women wait their whole life and a role model for little boys. It is mostly beautiful, strong and courageous. His attributes are the sword and the horse. " source - Then I saw heaven opened, and he seemed a horse White ; Its rider is called Faithful and True, and he judges and makes war with justice. 12 His eyes were like blazing fire, he had on his head many crowns, and had a name written that no one knows that himself, 13 he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: his name is the Word of God . 14 The armies of heaven were following him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and pure. 15 From his mouth came a sword sharpened [two-edged], to smite the nations: for he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and he treads the winepress of the fierceness wrath of God Almighty. source .
Cardinal Cazares can not be offended by it because he read Gethsemani by Cardinal Siri (some of which were during his life, "the pope in red," the pope dressed in just a cardinal).
When talking about the first communist who was Judas the traitor on the annals of the Madeleine, No. Golias quote on page 45, Emmanuel Levinas. Even in a context that probably did hurt the very one who wrote as the editor puts it below the question "Is life sacred?" The Sage *** as they say in German, that Abraham's father was a craftsman of idols remember that other *** Sankt Jakobus im Schnee (No. 130 in this link) . It is not safe to mention, about the sacred religion of Catholicism that tax idolatry.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Biblio. publ. of Inf.,
G.Pomp. /
Paris 7 - II - 2011 *
Golias, August 3, 2009 (almost 220 years to the day after a fatal constitution of France)
** What is Wrong With The World ? , the chapter The coldness of Chloe. Cinderella is a ***
Märchen This is Sage.
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Oradour sur Glane bis: 45 ° 55 '58 "North 1 ° 01' 57" East
Vae: 55 ° 59 '59.010 "North 14 ° 5' 25.732" East
Christianstad: 56 ° 02 '00 "North 14 ° 11 '00 "East
This was devastated by Swedish several times since before the Peace of Roskilde was the border just north of VAE and Christianstad. Last time: 1612 by Gustavus II Adolphus, the Protestant hero of the Thirty Years War. Once before, by his father, Charles said the Usurper "IX", which deposed his nephew Sigismund, also King of Poland, the Swedish throne because he listened to the Jesuits. After the last time in 1612, Christian IV - whose engagement in the Thirty Years War will be more modest - the survivors gathered in a new town that bears his name. And whose arms are a C with a crown and IV in figures Latins.
The Thirty Years War was worse than anyone estimated casualties war between Europeans before, and was not exceeded with the XX s S. whose battles in ditches of I e World War and the massacre of civilians by the Nazis several places of the Second World War e . Which of course Oradour sur Glane.
The Protestant Reformation had probably already wreaked havoc in Westrogothie among the ancestors of my maternal grandmother, they revolted against Gustavus when he changed the religion in Protestantism.
So I have reasons strong enough to disconnect me, as Westrogoth and Scanian (yes, I have a racism that, quite proud of my ancestors) of Protestantism.
There is another place where Protestantism and Gustavus Adolphus ringing ears hurt, and Germany between Nuremberg and Vienna. I was born in Vienna, a city liberated from the Turks by the Poles (among others), including, of course, the nobles who still spoke Swedish family since they were exiled with Zygmunt Vasa. Also a place that reminds Catholicism. The papers of birth in Vienna, I had with me until my wallet was stolen last year.
Is there something that links Oradour sur Glane in Vae What else? Yes, Oradour Oratorium means: a place where people pray for the deceased, for the souls in Purgatory. Vae also had his monastery Premonstratensian where did the same. Protestants reject that.
Erwin Rommel to Oradour was outraged. Despite his suicide - given to Hitler's blackmail to save his family - he is also a Catholic. As Robert Brasillach, who gave himself up to police to be sentenced to death as a "Llorca" fascist * under "General Micro 'anti-fascist, because it took his mother in a successful attempt to blackmail him also spoke with outrage about Oradour sur Glane, and similar massacres in Indochina. So, after those three terrible wars in the seventeenth and twentieth e e S. Catholicism is clear that with the flags up and not stained by the blood of innocents. The recent scandals are the disciplinary reforms of the post-Vatican II.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Previous III
Paris 7 - II - 2011 AD
* There was a fascist who collaborated with Hitler not only a few months: Berchtesgaden before we resisted, after the arrest of Schuschnigg is no longer in power. It was approved by Pope Pius XI. He never gives to deliver people into captivity under Hitler. It is an honor to be Viennese, if not blood, at least on place of birth (in the old passport was marked: the actual place of birth Wien, administrative place of birth "Södertälje" to d Södertelge - including a mayor was also performed to Catholicism).
Sunday, February 6, 2011
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Thank you for your sweet messages on the previous post ... I have just received my moo MiniCards, the opportunity to immerse myself with happiness in those photos published here the past three years. Just got my Moo MiniCards to look back and love you all the pictures I published here in The Last Three Years Or So. |
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Contributor like Petain? Yes.
With Stalin? No: Katyn: Öffnung der Massengräber * - Retail: Robert Brasillach
* Opening of mass graves.
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have not yet read. But according to the detail of the big picture, he was there to write about Katyn. On the communist barbarism. Who can say the same for Ferrat, except this beautiful song on the Prague Spring?
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Friday, February 4, 2011
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In English, the word "Racist" was spotted by scholars Oxford Dictionary Français the first time in 1932, the page being torn da BPI I rebuilt since information on Facebook in an article on the Slavophile or Slavophils by Trotsky, translated into English by someone less interesting, which was actually quoted, but I do not remember. The word "Racism" I have not checked.
The word "Racialist" is older English, already a debate in Canada in 1917. Twenty years later it will be applied to the followers of Mein Kampf or Mythus des XX Jahrhunderts Germany. Trotsky did not invent the word, he just contributed through his translator, back on the French model.
In 1932, then go back to 1929, in French, the OED Robert
Racist. 1929
By adopting a racist ideology, these nations come to believe that their position is not prominent due to the merits to be nurtured, but only in favor of fate, their physical beauty (...) prominent groups who feel it may not become a hateful and demanding attitude vis-à-vis others. They believe that everything is owed to them since they are the "supreme race" (...) only the chosen people have rights on all (...) things for him there is no foreign nations, there are only slaves revolted (...)
Bouthoul Gaston, Treatise of Sociology, p. 273
Is this really how we use the word today? That's about the same censure, but not exactly the same criteria apply to someone. There are Muslims who would say all this on someone who does not have in his company, his show, his love, perhaps, for the poor, but excluding a place that is effective n ' also not a slave status. If that can not be racist grocer prefer hiring his cousin, is already there an apparent willingness to dominate the French? Le Pen himself 1 would not say it, and it's still him that they cite most often about the "racism" in France today. If a contractor may prefer his cousin, then the other may prefer his compatriot strain. One like the other is not racism in this sense, but preferably for others before others.
Even more: according to this definition, is THIS the writers are liars, I do not think either there are people who are not French native who meet best one or the other definition of racist given here by the sociologist. 2
But perhaps qualify as something akin to racism right now is still a French tradition? Even Robert
Racism. 1902
Are the writers of the French Action , jealous of their miserable doctrine philosophically based purely political, not watching the ideas of race and tradition as the bedrock nationalism and monarchy? (...) It is not for me to repeat here the trial of racism and traditionalism (sic 3).
A. Maybon, in Revue Blanche, No. 223, September 15, 1902, p.146-148
It is, indeed, that the journal article and can be accessed by Wikiquote. Robert does not mention, but one side is the author of evil people in the French action not to read Karl Marx, he boasts of realism criticizes the racist-for-so-mean 4 d have your head in the clouds and said that even their leader Mistral not following his disciples ... In Maurras
the word race is not to study science or biological raciology (Rassentypus German) but any one else, who claimed instead to be brought by family tradition, family heredity. Maurras speaks, indeed, Capetian as "the Third Race" - after the Merovingians and Carlovingians, of course. In this sense, but not in the sense of race science, Black Caribbean or Cameroon are closer to us than the Arabs and Roma darkest closest to us that the Afghans-Pashtuns. Because they shared the same religion longer, extendument, with more marriages between the groups. But of course the Manouche of France or Spain-France-Germany are closer to us than are from Rumania and closer to them than we are. We? Well, here it is anyway the Normans who share my race EX-Viking. And there were missionaries in France (Corbey) that we have saved the Viking lifestyle. St Anchaire and Rimbert alone, mostly.
It has nothing to do with the word "racialism" which depicts the turmoil of Margaret Sanger eugenics. It's the fault of an Adolf having mixed the two.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
BPI, G. Pompidou / Paris
1 I said I do not like Le Pen, but that's another story: his attitude toward the adolescent is not as Bigoudin copy, and I prefer Gollnisch. --- 2 Provided that the example of the "chosen people" was really just part of his "racist" and not even a step further. Then there are a few that meet the definition of racist, others who fit the description of chosen people syndrome --- 3 I was wondering if (sic) was the word traditionalism or both n . Since he wrote nationalism with an n (without Robert sic), I think he vaccillé between paradigms "-tion-tional,-tionnalisme" ( as "traditional" ) and "-ing,-tionel?,-ism" ( as "na-" ). --- 4 A man who speaks of "racism" normally speaks no "supporters of racism" or "advocating racism" but "racist" - or he did not speak at all, he calls them "nationalists" (sic) analysis, but their "nationalism" (re-sic) as part of "racism and traditionalism." Although Robert did not find the name racist in his article in 1902.