Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Threading Calgary Downtown

the sinking. Unpublished accounts

The story of the shipwreck of more than 150 people last Wednesday November 25, 2009, Lake May - Ndombe, has not yet reached its epilogue. This unforgettable disaster continues to make headlines from simple comments to the most unusual stories. Eyewitnesses of the event themselves miraculously rescued from rushing waters like Moses, still tell. When they added the shocking story poignant testimony of the rescuers were at the scene of the accident to seek floating body in all directions.
- Mr IB, rescuer, said: "Despite the gloves and mask that were part of our equipment, we picked up many bodies in a very advanced state of putrefaction. It takes a heart to dare to take the two arms and put in the hull. At first sight of dead bodies, we love, God thank you, and a short prayer, I conquered my fear. "
- Mr N. J rescuer: "At sunrise, I rushed with my canoe instead of the loss. Right in Lake, I met a young girl shivering and having the lifeline of a very small white 50 / 5 cm, remains of a wooden bed with another traveler cut to pieces by the force of waves. All night it hung there like a plank of salvation. "
- Mr RM:" I held my baby in my arms. waves and winds have torn me. I run my wife rescued. It clings to a log. When my wife learned that the baby was swept away by raging waters, it sinks further into despair. She finally cracked ... and she no longer has the mental strength needed to stand firm. She let go despite my remonstrances. A 23 H 00, she said qu'ellle had enough. It no longer provides any effort ... It was the farewell.
- Mr G. I, a private: "We took a wooden boat to catch the body of our niece and her husband among the corpses recovered by fishermen Isenge y'angamba (25 km from Inongo). Disfigured, she was unrecognizable. Despite the details given to recognize (braids, worn clothes), we hesitated. We continued research in all directions, to no avail. Back empty-handed on the sandbank of isenge y'angamba we learn that all the corpses were taken away by rescuers at Inongo. Our brothers stayed Inongo had recognized among the many brought dépouiles and were directly buried. We do not see each other again. What stress ...!".
- Mrs. AB, survivor: "When it all began, I came up with my 8 month old in the pusher. The man who helped me save my baby, I did more recognized after the accident. could he save himself as well? I do not know. But he saved me life with the child. I hope he is alive. May God be praised, what happens to him! ".
- A group of fishermen in rescuers:" We saw many other bodies about twenty in total, which floated near our village here (hence the Across the shore, where the accident happened, about lokanga ). We had called in vain for rescue workers recover. Relief came in behind. With the sunrise, thousands of corpses broke through the stomach and went down to the bottom waters, thus unrecoverable.
- Fishers Isenge y'angamba: "we chose to place all the bodies recovered under the mango tree . We had the place surrounded by a belt to protect it. We have the statistics since ls were all before they are moved to Inongo.
- A Christian of the parish of St. Likwangola / Inongo: "When the Bishop called us pathetic, radio In the night beyond 22 h 00, to greet and bury the corpses as rescuers brought back, we're all down to the port and we worked until the morning so the work was important. many young people Inongo had responded to this call. Some to carry the bodies and prepare them for burial, the other graves to die. "
- A mother of Inongo:" We received the news of Miss Ndongo to play our role vis-a-moms vis survivors. It is we who give life, maintain and store. It's always us who suffer most when it is threatened or abandoned. Our role is to save life. We can not but respond ...".
- A youthful Inongo: "At the cemetery, Hydro (a merchant Inongo), had placed its generator and lit the graveyard all night to ensure we work while the other side, a beach, the rescue work still more beautiful. We took turns at night until dawn. And we are ready to answer any calls since the work, apparently, is not finished yet..
LOOK ...
BELEP .- Joseph A.


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