Saturday, January 30, 2010

Difference Between Knee Brace Open Patella


Students of the Institute for Pastoral and Biblical catechesis chose, each a research topic for their work to end the cycle. The research focuses on all practical matters: our different cultures Mai-Ndombe. It's better knowing our cultures, entering deep into their own particularity as much as in their dynamism that our students will be able to make a work of inculturation not speculative but grounded in the reality of life, not interested but oriented towards a new synthesis in Jesus Christ. John Paul II wrote about it: "Culture is an effort to reflect on the mystery of the world and, in particular, the mystery of man. It is a way to express the transcendental dimension of human life. The heart of any culture is its approach to the greatest mystery: the mystery of God. This is the crucial challenge of a pastoral approach to culture, because a faith that does not become culture is a faith that is not fully accepted, not entirely thought out, not faithfully lived ' (John Paul II, Letter establishing the Pontifical Council for Culture, May 20, 1982, AAS LXXIV (1982) 683-688).
Thus the Academic Council has been appreciated the pastoral interest and scientific research some titles:
- "The enthronement of a chief among Basakata. the traditional power in the light of the Word of God."
- "The concept of death and the afterlife among Ekonda. Test analysis on eschatology Negro-African".
- "The concept of death and the afterlife among Basakata. Test analysis on a few beliefs in a traditional environment."
- "Proverbs in Nkundo. Practical wisdom and biblical roots."
- "Pastoral pygmies in the Parish of Saint Etienne Penzwa"
- "La Pastorale small Christian communities (CEVB) to Inongo.
- "Catechesis based on dialogue in Example of "Isolo" in Ekonda.
This research and introduction to scientific research has no other aim than to raise awareness of Student No effort of analysis and reflection they are asked to make intelligible the faith both in his understanding that one of its tradition (in the sense of "non sed nove novi"). A work of inculturation of faith in African culture together assumption of authentic African values in Christianity. An admittedly laborious work, in depth, slow and gradual process probably never completed. With these words thus Pope John Paul II had never ceased, during his lifetime, to encourage the young Churches of Africa. Abbot Joseph
Belep .-


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